Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Holidays Are Upon Us Once Again!!!

Ahh yes, another Thanksgiving has come and gone and we're into December yet again. What happened to the summer, let alone fall? I'm proud to say the beard is abundant and flourishing, and I'm once again considering a gig as Santa at the Gallery for money.

I've done the gig before, as you undoubtedly read about here. That unfortunately didn't go so well, but hey, that's the suburbs for ya! This time I'll stick to the city and perhaps lay off the opiates. Or at least consume less of them. Then again, I'm sure my tolerance has increased since 2004, so maybe I should consider increasing my intake for maximum performance.

Well ladies and gents, consider this my advertisement and make sure to bring your children to the Gallery downtown this holiday season. I'll be sure to (try my best to) keep a dry, urine-free knee for them to sit upon as they tell me what they want for Christmas. Ho ho ho!!!!!