It's so cold outside. So goddamn cold. The shelters are packed like tenement homes in NY during the early 20th century, and that does me NO damn good! How's a man to find time to appreciate quality porno in the company of so many onlookers?? Not that I'd have a problem with it, as I am an accomplished exhibitionist with plenty of hours logged displaying my sexual prowess in public settings, but let's just say I could see it raising a few eyebrows within the institution.

Hell, they'd probably have me committed, which is something I want to avoid at all costs. Sure the room and board come cheap, but ole Quint has more than enough electroshock treatments on his resume, and they are
nothing like those delightful massages available via the electronic chairs at Sharper Image. Albeit, I did lose control of my bowels in one of those, too, but that was more likely due to the smorgasbord of whiskey, shepherd's pie, and muscle relaxers I consumed just prior to plopping down for some much needed buttock kneading. What a hysterical mess that turned out to be! You know, history tends to repeat itself, as they say, and a recurrent lesson in my life seems to be that people lose their minds a little bit once loose stool is introduced to almost any situation. However, in Japan I've found that such an experience is not altogether an unwelcome one.
So, getting back to my point, as you have all undoubtedly surmised, the purpose of this post is to acquire for myself someplace warm in which to hibernate the rest of the winter season. Ideally, I would sublet your home or apartment, with arrangements made to allow that certain
talents I possess might suffice in lieu of monetary compensation. Other things you should know about me: I snore, I have impeccable fashion sense, and I have my own testicle grooming razors, and will not use yours under any circumstances unless all of my blades are dull and it happens to be a Sunday, in which case the stores will most likely be closed, and's kind of hard to accept a last minute modeling gig when you're best attributes are entangled in a steamy, unrelenting vegetation of pubic hair. Get the picture? Good. I ask that all interested parties contact me directly for an application. Please have 3 forms of ID, 2 credit cards, and your social security number at the ready.
Thanks for the laughs ... :-)
You should write plays ... ;-)
Do you know how deep God's love is for you, Quint McGuinley.
and I think you are quite full of shibeanits ;-)
Quint, are you going to throw eggs at my head?
That's ok ... I have anti-eggcraft missiles.
How do I know how deeply loved you are?
There are just some things in life I know, Quint. Just like there are things in life you know better than I.
Har de har har :-)
Now Quint I want to know what you think of the video I posted ... and the scripture I posted with it ... would you straighten yourself up a bit to be respectful enough to give that remarkable brain of yours some time with God and the wonderful things found by the Hubble telescope.
I don't mean time with whatever you have been told about God or whatever you have read about God ... but time with the Holy Spirit who is near you right now waiting for you to listen and hear how beautiful you are.
Repay me some kindness if you will
Whadda ya say ;-)
And then God came down from the heaven's and smacked you in the head and said these strong words " Only In your dreams have you met Alexis Cohen"
Might you be Alexis Cohen, dear lass? Or would ye just like ole Quint to believe that??
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