I was curious as to what the big deal is over this new Playstation 3 that everybody's been talking about lately. Of course, by "talking about" I obviously mean "shooting each other over", but surely you assumed that was my meaning.
As my Irish luck would have it, I happened to be in the right place and time (who would've thought lying naked under an abandoned car would ever constitute the right place and/or time) when two such people shot each other in a battle for the rights of one such device.
And I must say that I have finally realized why the station of play is such a coveted item! I tell you it is a delight! I have been playing it nonstop since I first pried it from the hands of that half-conscious young man. Honestly, I must have made love to it fourteen times over the course of 48 hours without complaint. As an aside, I will say that, yes, dear friends, you'd be correct in assuming that my libido rivals that of my appetite in ravenous intensity.
But Lord, that Playstation! It's been the best companion I've had since that drug-addled prostitute I used to date back in the 80s. What was her name again? Ah yes...Madonna.
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